How to Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery Attack on your Website in a Minute ~ Hybrid Mobile Apps Development, React Native, Flutter, JavaScript, Darts, iOS, Android, NodeJS
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How to Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery Attack on your Website in a Minute

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack that occurs when a malicious Web site, email, blog, instant message, or program causes a user’s Web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site for which the user is currently authenticated.
We have a serious issue here I will like to emphasize the fact that was mentioned in the definition which the user is currently authenticated, Which mean the user is a trusted user. It like having an attack from someone that use your trusted friend as a disguise. The most painful part might not be the attack itself but the fact that it came through someone you've trusted on you site.
How to Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery Attack on your Website in a Minute

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But the truth is that it not the fault of the user but the fault of the Developer because if there has been a proper protection in place then this would not happen.
The impact of a successful cross-site request forgery attack is limited to the capabilities exposed by the vulnerable application. For example, this attack could result in a transfer of funds, changing a password, or purchasing an item in the user's context. In effect, CSRF attacks are used by an attacker to make a target system perform a function (funds Transfer, form submission etc.) via the target's browser without knowledge of the target user, at least until the unauthorized function has been committed. --
Developers fix this problem by adding an based key each requests but this can been time consuming and can turn to nightmare for larger applications. I was at and I came across a great class that do this automatically for you. it has a greater advantage than the manual method because it creates a unique token for each request which make it safer.The class was submitted by a developer named Jstar.
Let take a look at the token class, This is the class responsible for the encryption.
<?php class TokenManager { 
private $tokenFunction;
private $maxTime;
private $minSecondBeforeNextClick;
public function __construct(callable $tokenFunction = null, $maxTime = 120, $minSecondBeforeNextClick = 1) { $this->
tokenFunction = ($tokenFunction != null) ? $tokenFunction : function () { return "_" . mt_rand(1, 20) . mt_rand(1, 20) . mt_rand(1, 20);
} ;
maxTime = $maxTime;
minSecondBeforeNextClick = $minSecondBeforeNextClick;

 public function applyNewToken() { if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_start();

 $token = call_user_func($this->
while (isset($_SESSION[$token])) { $token = call_user_func($this->
} $_SESSION[$token] = time() + $this->
$_SESSION['nextClick'] = time() + $this->
return $token;

 public function useToken($token) { if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_start();
} if (isset($_SESSION[$token]) && $_SESSION[$token] >
= time()) { unset($_SESSION[$token]);
return true;
} elseif (isset($_SESSION[$token])) { unset($_SESSION[$token]);
} return false;

 public function isFirstVisit() { if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_start();

 return empty($_SESSION);

 public function isAcceptedClick() { if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_start();

 return !isset($_SESSION['nextClick']) || $_SESSION['nextClick'] <= time();
} } ?>
Now let see our Index.php to see how we will use the function.
 require ("./CSRFProtector.php");
$error = function () { die("Nice try dude");
} ;
$token = function () { return "_" . mt_rand(1, 200) . md5(mt_rand(2, 100));
} ;
$time = 120;
//in seconds $min = 1;
//in seconds $jsPath = "js";
$csrf = new CSRFProtector($jsPath, $error, $token, $time, $min);
/**you don't need this line in your real application 
* it just to show the token when you perform an action 
if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ var_dump($_POST);
}else{ var_dump($_GET);
} ?> <html><body> 
CSRF Protection Demo,
<h3>Link Example</h3> <a href="index.php">click me</a>
<h3>POST Form Example</h3> <form method="post" >
<label>Name</label><input type="text" name="name" />
<label>Email</label><input type="text" name="email" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <h3>GET Form Example</h3> <form method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>">
<label>Name</label><input type="text" name="name" />
<label>Email</label><input type="text" name="email" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </body></html>
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