August 2018 ~ Hybrid Mobile Apps Development, React Native, Flutter, JavaScript, Darts, iOS, Android, NodeJS
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8 Simple Ways to Speed up React Native Apps to Make it Faster

"A compelling reason for using React Native instead of WebView-based tools is to achieve 60 frames per second and a native look and feel to your apps." Performance issues in React Native apps have been noticeable to developers, Even though the React Native team is trying their best, Most of these have to do with React itself and how it works. Rendering at 60FPS (Frame Per Seconds) is possible but due to some unethical coding style can make state and render very very expensive, Rendering and loading of assets can draw back React Native app Speed, Overall app performance will also take some hit. We are going to look into 8 simple ways we can increase the speed of React Native application, These are derived from what other developers have done and my experience with React Native.
8 Simple Ways to Speed up React Native Apps to Make it Faster

Flutter vs React Native : What You Need to Know Before Diving

About a Decayed ago, smartphones were not widely used. Since then, smartphones have become an essential tool to browse our everyday lives, Mobile Apps are the tools that made it so. Mobile app development has evolved, Since the last decayed, Ways of developing a mobile application has taken a new shape. Developers want to be more efficient without compromising on speed and performance, We want to ship code more quickly by leveraging on cross-platform nature.
Flutter vs React Native : What You Need to Know Before Diving 2018

React Native Navigation v2 with Redux and Google Analytics

Navigation is one of the core aspects of Mobile app development, With the right navigation module your app will have the native look and feel it deserves. There are lots of Navigation Modules for React-Native out there but most of them are built on JavaScript, JavaScript base Navigations are only trying to fake the native navigation but you can get the real native navigation performance with the look and feel by using React Native Navigation for your Android and iOS app. React Native Navigation is written in native codes to give the best performance and the same look and feel you will get on a native mobile application. In this tutorial, we are using React Native Navigation with Redux and React Native Google Analytics Bridge. Redux and Google Analytics Bridge are just and added the bonus to our app, We use Redux to maintain our app state then we will use Google Analytics Bridge to Track our app and receive detailed usage information from the app.
React Native Navigation v2 with Redux and Google Analytics

Quick and Fast Image Loading on Android and iOS with React-Native

On this version of React-Native Tutorial we are going to look into how to load Images Quick, Fast and Easy with React-Native Module React-Native Fast Image, We are also going to add a little animation using React-Native Image Progress Module to allow users know when image loading is in progress and when it's completed. There are three Major modules Involve in this Project that is written by Trusted React-Native Developers and backed by the great community. The main Objective of this Project is to see how we can avoid loading Images twice on Android and iOS each time our app is launched therefore saving us some bandwidth data, React-Native Fast Image does this by caching the images that have been loaded by the app. As stated on the Repo, FastImage is a wrapper around SDWebImage (iOS) and Glide (Android), These are two powerful and efficient image caching libraries on Android and iOS platform.
Quick and Fast Image Loading on Android and iOS with React-Native

Building Android and iOS Apps with React-Native in 5 Minutes.

If you haven't read the previous post, Then head straight for it here,  Why I Moved from Ionic to React-Native for Android and iOS Development, It will help you understand and appreciate the simplicity and the reason Framework matter in Mobile app development.
Now, We will design a mobile app for Android and iOS with React-Native in 5 Minutes. This app will run on both Android and iOS Devices, As go further in React-Native tutorial series, The magic in React-Native will reveal itself. We will demonstrate how to earnest the power of native module to create a robust Android and iOS app using React-Native.

Building Android and iOS Apps with React-Native in 5 Minutes.

Why I Moved from Ionic to React-Native for Android and iOS Development

Ionic has been my preferred for cross-platform mobile application development framework for about 2 years in a row, But lately, the most project I have work on is built with React-Native, I was a big fan of react but I haven't really looked into React-Native until recently. I love Ionic Framework a lot, Many can tell from my previous posts but there are just some projects that you really want to have access to the native APIs with ease and React-Native kind of provide that bridge out of the box. In this Blog post, I will explain my experience with Ionic Framework and why I switched to React-Native on my recent project and also share my opinion whether a beginner should start with Ionic Framework or just go directly to React-Native.
Why I Moved from Ionic to React-Native for Android and iOS Development