Many Web Developers love Jquery but want to try AngularJs because it tempting due to it capabilities, Many are confused on which one to choose between AngularJS and JQuery
for their latest project. Before any reccomendation let see what they are made of.
JQuery is the most popular JavaScript Library on the web, I has been our favorite all these years and it has make web development easier and faster for
us but AngularJs is now gaining our attention because of it productive, flexible, maintainable and testable ability than JQuery, Note that AngularJS is powered by Google Inc. though
I personally love Google products (don't ask me why, I just love security) but that dose not justify the reason why I would prefer AngularJS to JQuery because you can't choose one for another in
a big project it either you use the combination of both or JQuery alone, In fact AngularJs has a mini in-built JQuery library of it's own.
But before we start let get one thing straight whatever JQuery can do AngularJS can do it better, faster and with less coding. Also AngularJS is more powerful when it comes to stand-alone applications.
If you are seeking my opinion on which is the most prefered, you already have your answer because JQuery will always tell AngularJs that "Angular, I am your father". Now let get started with introduction to AngularJs.