Who could imagine such a machine still exists and it's still working, A working 1976 Apple-1 Personal Computer was sold for $355,000 last week in an auction hosted by Christie's New York. This is the first Apple's Personal Computer, This particular version was hand-built by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in the confines of Steve Jobs' garage. A similar version of this 1976 PC is sold for $671,400 in 2013 and $905,000 in 2014, This makes $355,000 sales the cheapest Apple-1 sales till date, It comes without a casing and power supply, it's the first to have its own motherboard, which set it apart from competitors. Apple-1's success at the time is credited as the force that catapulted Apple into the personal computing industry. The Apple-1 originally retailed for $666.66, and now only 66 computers still exist. Sound like a coincidence? Maybe!

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